Ilya Fisher


Why? is an image from my series Unravelling which looks at our response to the climate crisis. But like many images and messages in the series it can mean other things too. In the context of this group exhibition, I like to think that the message ‘why would we want to face this?’ captures something we artists work through. Why take the time, the risk, why reach inside ourselves and create work? For me it’s about trying to understand the world. Creating helps my thinking and working through some of the conflicting chaos inside my head and outside in the world.

Groundwork & Reaching: For this WSG exhibition I started to think about the ways I approach my artistic practice. Ways that give me confidence to present the work as my own and as parts of myself. These two pieces describe some of the processes I go through prior to creating the messages and images that form the pieces.

Images 1, 2 & 3:
Ilya Fisher, Why?, 2022, photograph printed on cotton fabric, embroidery


Grace Slater


Jessie Martin