

Overview of Project 

Welcome to Work Show Grow online art school. We are so excited to meet you and be a part of this inspiring project. As you already know, Putting Ourselves in the Picture is a collaborative project working with Fast Forward: Women in Photography, National Galleries of Scotland, Autograph, Creative Response, Women for Refugee Women and Work Show Grow. Throughout this journey, each participant, like yourself, has met with a group of women either online or at their host organisation  to come together to learn valuable skills that can be used to tell personal stories through the art of photography and learn about industry.

Work Show Grow’s Role

At Work Show Grow we will be helping you tie together everything you have learned during your workshops and through the mentorship.  We will help to provide you with some valuable skills in using photography in your future projects. For the first time you will be meeting up online through the Work Show Grow platform with the participants from the other two groups in Bradford and in Edinburgh . We would like to build a community and space for you to learn from each other and create long lasting networks.

As sessions are delivered and recorded you will be able to rewatch them by clicking the button above

You can re-watch the weekly sessions by clicking on the video links below as they become available:


Key Dates (Spread out over 12 weeks)

The online sessions will be delivered Thursdays 13:30 - 15:30

(subject to change due to accessing industry sites)

Week 1 - Thurs 14 Nov
Welcome to Work Show Grow School

  • Finding your creative voice

  • Introduction to Natasha Caruana and the schedule

  • Discussion of what you have discovered or learnt so far

Week 2 - Thurs 21 Nov
Finding your Inspiration - Industry tour (Juno Calypso)

Week 3 - Thurs 28 Nov
Workflow and Confidence (Jaskirt Dhaliwal-Boora)

Week 4 - Thurs 5 Dec
Project Development and Editing (Natasha)

Week 5 - Thurs 12 Dec
Networking and next step / UAL Industry tour (Dan & Natasha)

Week 6 - Thurs 19 Jan
Anna Fox studio - Industry tour (Anna Fox) 


Week 7 - Thurs 16 Jan
Exhibiting work and promoting an exhibition (Natasha )

Week 8 - Thurs 23 Jan
Spectrum printing - Industry tour (Andy & Natasha)

Week 9 - Thurs 30 Jan
Photofusion Exhibition & Industry tour (Natasha)

Week 10 - Thurs 6 Feb
Touring an exhibition & how to get the most out of it (Natasha)

Week 11 - Thurs 13 Feb
Emma Bowkett Financial Times Industry tour (Emma & Natasha) TBC

Week 12 - Thurs 20 Feb
Giving and receiving feedback (Natasha)

Example workshops from the Resources Library

Below are some example workshops from the Work Show Grow resource library which you can access at any time during the period that you join us.

Click images and list below to watch sessions, more available in our Resources Library here: RLPt1 RLPt2

Asset 10.png



National Galleries of Scotland

Partner Organisations

Who the partner organisations and participants are:

Autograph, London, working together with Women for Refugee Women

Creative Response, Farnham

National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh

Click to view session

Work Show Grow is an educational online community for creatives from all levels, stages and entry points, which supports your growth through mentorship, workshops and events. Work Show Grow was founded in 2018 by Natasha Caruana, an award-winning and internationally recognised artist and educator. 


Fast Forward is a research project concerned with women in photography based at University for the Creative Arts. the project has established a significance within the world of photography for highlighting the work of women photographers and for questioning the way that the established canons have been formed. Fast Forward is designed to promote and engage with women in photography across the globe. 



The National Galleries Scotland is home to some of the world’s most famous art, housing Scotland's national collection of fine art, spanning Scottish and international art from the beginning of the Renaissance up to the start of the 20th century.



Autograph champions photography that explores issues of race, identity, representation, human rights and social justice, sharing how photographs reflect lived experiences and shape our understanding of ourselves and others.


Creative Response are passionate advocates of the benefits of the arts for mental health and wellbeing, and have been serving the community of Farnham, Surrey and beyond for almost 30 years.



Women for Refugee Women empower refugee and asylum-seeking women to speak out, become leaders and advocate for change. Through English lessons, drama and other activities they support women to build their confidence and skills. Their network helps to combat the isolation faced by women seeking asylum and creates pathways for women to rebuild their lives with dignity.
