HOW TO: Move to another country

Embracing the new culture

This does not mean that you will lose your own culture or change who you are as a person. This means that the country you are moving to got so much to offer, so many new experiences and ways of communicating with people. It might even teach you some things you never have seen as unusual about your own country, and that, that is fun! You will be able to collect all this knowledge. It also helps to connect with people on a deeper personal level. You will be able to understand the humour, the slang and the way people act. It is a rich experience to have and it will make you grow as a person.

You will sound different

And that is okay! You might ask what I mean by this, well, it will be an accent in the language you are now speaking every day. But why is this a problem? You are not from there and you should not be ashamed of the country you were born in, it is a part of your history. Also, it is cool to speak more languages! If someone is making fun of your imperfections, just remind them that you know about 100k words more than they do. How can they make fun of you for that? 

It is okay to feel down

You will miss your family, your friends, your dog, but most of all - how simple it all is. Moving to another country can be one of the best and hardest choices you’ve ever made at the same time. It will be days that you start questioning why you moved again, as it is so much easier to stay in your own country. It is times like these where it is good to have it written down the reason you made this decision in the first place. Even though that will be helpful, it is okay to feel deflated and miss your home country. Just because you are missing the simplicity of knowing how everything workes does not mean you have made the wrong decision. It is just that it is a  hard one, and often the hardest decisions to make are the ones that are worth it in the end. Just allow yourself to feel down sometimes, there is nothing wrong with you because of that. 

Be proud

Don’t let anyone undermine what you have done. Moving away from the comfort of your home country is a big step and you will find new challenges as time passes on. But you did it! You made your dream become a reality and no one can take away the bravery you’ve shown. And I’m sorry to say, but you will meet people who have no clue of the lack of comfort you’re experiencing so you will have to once again be brave and remind yourself this. You did it, you are brave and you should be proud of yourself! 

by Silje Løvstad


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