DEVELOP | Special Project 03
We are so excited to launch our next Special Project - Develop. Please find our guest tutor intros, and all the session dates and times to plan your calendar for the next three months.
Develop will focus on experimentation, trying new approaches, building more in-depth knowledge, deeper connections with guest tutors, and gaining confidence.
Guest Tutors
This up coming season is jam packed with an amazing line up of international guest tutors.
Building Confidence with Ramat Tejani
We can't wait to introduce you to the brilliant Ramat Tejani from The Inspiration Box who will be running workshops and mentorship sessions around building confidence. She'll be talking about accountability and how to quiet your inner critic as well as showing our members how they can show up for themselves.
Ramat Tejani is the heart behind The Inspiration Box, which is creating spaces online and offline to encourage people to keep growing through the good and the bad times that life can throw at us. Ramat is known as the Chief Encouragement Officer and wants The Inspiration Box to act as your pocket cheerleader whatever stage of life you are at.
Her experience across a variety of sectors including technology, education, recruitment, charity and design has helped her develop a unique understanding of the best way to tell stories. Ramat helps individuals and businesses to understand how best to share their stories.
You can sign up to her fortnightly newsletter here.
Showing up for yourself - mentorship session
Monday, 21 June, 2021
09:00 - 10:00 GMT+1 (9-10am UK time)
#IamRemarkable - workshop - (live event/not recorded - 25 participants)
Saturday, 24 July, 2021
12:00 - 14:00 GMT+1 (12-2pm UK time)
#IamRemarkable - workshop - (live event/not recorded - 25 participants) - duplicate of 24 July
Sunday, 22 August, 2021
19:00 - 21:00 GMT+1 (7-9pm (UK time)
📸 Paul Nikolcin
Book Design with Nicolas Polli
We will also be joined by Nicolas Polli from Switzerland the co-founder of Yet Magazine and Ciao Press who will be running inspiring workshops on book design. He will be introducing in his workshops and mentorship sessions some technical approaches to book making as well as discussing some of the challenges of making an artist book.
Book Design Pt.1 - Introduction and ways of working
Sunday, 13 June, 2021
09:00 - 12:00 GMT+1 (9am-12pm UK time)"
Book Design Pt.2 - Technical approaches
Sunday, 11 July, 2021
12:00 - 15:00 GMT+1 (12-3pm UK time)
Book Design Pt.3 - Challenges
Saturday, 14 August, 2021
19:00 - 22:00 GMT+1 (7-10pm UK time)
📸 Not the Whole Picture
Collaborative Play with Garth Amundson and Pierre Gour
Garth and Pierre will be joining us from America for a high energy interactive workshop focused on collaborative play. As well as going in depth into residencies and will share with us how to research residencies, how to apply for them, and how to make the best of a residency. Garth and Pierre are an artistic duo working with found imagery and collage who create work that explores perceptions and politics surrounding the domestic sphere and identity.
Collaborative Play - Expert Workshop
Sunday, 27 June, 2021
20:00 - 22:00 GMT+1 (8-10pm UK time)
Art Residencies - Mentorship Session
Monday, 26 July, 2021
20:00 - 20:45 GMT+1 (8-8.45pm UK time)
Interdisciplinary Practice with Tai Shani
Tai Shani is an artist living and working in London. She is the joint 2019 Turner Prize winner together with Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Helen Cammock and Oscar Murillo. She is currently a tutor in Contemporary Art Practice at the Royal College of Art.
Tai's august sessions will explore multidisciplinary practice, inspired by her work comprising of performance, film, photography and installation, which revolves around experimental narrative texts. Tai creates violent, erotic and fantastical images told in a dense, floral language which re-imagines female otherness as a perfect totality, set in a world complete with cosmologies, myth and histories that negate patriarchal narratives. These alternate between familiar stylistic tropes and structures and theoretical prose in order to explore the construction of subjectivity, excess and the affects of the epic as the ground for a post-patriarchal realism.
Tai Shani Instagram
Mentorship Session
Monday, 23 August, 2021
20:00 - 9:00 GMT+1 (8-9pm UK time)
Expert Workshop
Friday, 27 August, 2021
11:00 - 13:00 GMT+1 (11am-1pm UK time)