Mimi Fuenzalida

As I’ve turned my lens towards my adolescent step daughter, I’ve entered her inner world in ways I did not before. Her matter of fact sense of self and the richness of her unique expression, which had been masked under layers of anxiety and behaviours once hard to decode as a parent, have started to come undone, painting a broader picture of this period of great transition and transformation in her life.

Light and shadows representing what I am allow to see at the present moment and what is yet to become visible. In some way, her process is a reflection of mine; I have become comfortable in the not knowing and letting things be, as an extension of me, the camera shows me what is ready to be revealed. It is the magic of the process.

Visit With Ruby From The Project 'Decoding Bodhi', 2021, Digital photograph


Mariska Nell


Nastassja Nejodov